On December 26, 2009 our little Jordyn Bear turned 3 years old. It's crazy to think that it's really been 3 years, where does the time go? We love her more then anything and are looking forward to the many, many birthdays ahead. For this birthday we celebrated by taking Jordyn to Build-a-Bear at Fashion Place Mall where she made her new friend Bunny-Bunny, we had lunch at Chik's away (or Chic-fil-a for those of you who aren't fluent in Jordynese) and then we went sledding with the whole family since Jeff & Em were visiting from Texas and don't get to see much snow (lucky!!) We had a great day!!
Let's see, me in a nut shell... I'm 28 and have been married to my hubby, Brian, for 6 years. I have a 4 year old daughter named Jordyn Lyle, a beagle named Beamer, and a kitty named Zilla. I LOVE to read, that would be my favorite thing in life along with laying out in the hot, hot sun!! I like games with family and friends, watching scary movies, tortilla soup from Cafe Rio, donuts, DISNEYLAND, traveling, my pillow, hoodies, my electric blanket... well you get the gist. Anyway to sum it all up I have the cutest kid in the world, a studly and super handy husband, the BEST family in the world and awesome friends! Life is good!!
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